# Programme voiture autonome a completer import pyb, time from pyb import delay, Timer class HBridge: """ Control à H-Bridge. Also support PWM to control the speed (between 0 to 100%) """ PWM_FREQ = 100 # Frequency 100 Hz (UNDEFINED,HALT,FORWARD,BACKWARD) = (-1, 0,1,2) def __init__( self, input_pins, pwm = None ): """:param input_pins: tuple with input1 and input 2 pins :param pwm: dic with pin, timer and channel """ self.speed = 0 self.state = HBridge.UNDEFINED # Init HBridge control pins self.p_input1 = pyb.Pin( input_pins[0], pyb.Pin.OUT_PP ) self.p_input2 = pyb.Pin( input_pins[1], pyb.Pin.OUT_PP ) # Init PWM Control for speed control (without PWM, the L293D's # Enable pin must be place to HIGH level) self.has_pwm = (pwm != None) if self.has_pwm: self._timer = pyb.Timer( pwm['timer'], freq=self.PWM_FREQ ) self._channel = self._timer.channel( pwm['channel'], Timer.PWM, pin=pwm['pin'], pulse_width_percent=100 ) self.halt() def set_speed( self, speed ): if not(0 <= speed <= 100): raise ValueError( 'invalid speed' ) # Use PWM speed ? if self.has_pwm: self._channel.pulse_width_percent( speed ) self.speed = speed else: # Non PWM self.speed = 0 if speed == 0 else 100 if self.speed == 0 and self.state != HBridge.HALT: self.halt() # force motor to stop by manipulating input1 & input2 def halt( self ): self.p_input1.low() self.p_input2.low() self.state = HBridge.HALT # Do not invert ... self.set_speed( 0 ) # thoses 2 lines def forward(self, speed = 100 ): # reconfigure HBridge if self.state != HBridge.FORWARD : self.halt() self.p_input1.low() self.p_input2.high() self.state = HBridge.FORWARD # Set speed self.set_speed( speed ) def backward(self, speed = 100 ): # reconfigure HBridge if self.state != HBridge.BACKWARD: self.halt() self.p_input1.high() self.p_input2.low() self.state = HBridge.BACKWARD # Set speed self.set_speed( speed ) # Pont-H broches de commande Input 1 et Input 2 MOT1_PINS = (pyb.Pin.board.X6, pyb.Pin.board.X5) # Commande PWM pont-H MOT1_PWM = {'pin' : pyb.Pin.board.Y9, 'timer' : 2, 'channel' : 3 } # Pont-H broches de commande Input 3 et Input 4 MOT2_PINS = (pyb.Pin.board.X7, pyb.Pin.board.X8) # Commande PWM pont-H #MOT2_PWM = {'pin' : pyb.Pin.board.X10, 'timer' : 5, 'channel' : 4 } MOT2_PWM = {'pin' : pyb.Pin.board.Y10, 'timer' : 2, 'channel' : 4 } # moteur droit h1 moteur gauche h2 h1 = HBridge( MOT1_PINS, MOT1_PWM ) h2 = HBridge( MOT2_PINS, MOT2_PWM ) # bouton sur carte prototype btn = pyb.Pin( 'Y8', pyb.Pin.IN, pull=pyb.Pin.PULL_UP ) # bouton sur la carte USR sw = pyb.Switch() # photoresistance ldr = pyb.ADC('X19') # accelerometre accel = pyb.Accel() x = accel.x() SENS = 3 # led sur la carte myled = pyb.LED(1) xlights = (pyb.LED(3), pyb.LED(4)) # servo direction sd = pyb.Servo(1) def dist_obstacle(): trigger = pyb.Pin(pyb.Pin.board.Y5, mode=pyb.Pin.OUT, pull=None) trigger.low() echo = pyb.Pin(pyb.Pin.board.Y6, mode=pyb.Pin.IN, pull=None) trigger.high() time.sleep(0.00001) trigger.low() while echo.value() == 0: pass start = time.ticks_us() while echo.value() == 1: pass stop = time.ticks_us() return round((stop-start)*34/2000,1) def lectension(): lecture = ldr.read() tension = (lecture*3.3)/4095 pyb.delay(100) return tension