//let machine_sous = new Object(); let argent = 100 let nombres = [] let bank = 1000 let mise let gains = 0 function saisie(){ if (argent>0){ mise = document.getElementById("mise").value; bank+=Number(mise); argent-=Number(mise); gain(nombres); } else{ console.log("PLUS DE SOUS") } } function gain(nb){ if (nb[1]==nb[2] && nb[2]==nb[3] && nb[3]==9) { argent+=bank; bank-=bank; gains+=bank; console.log("Bingo"); } else if(nb[1]==nb[2] && nb[2]==nb[3]){ argent+=6*Number(mise); bank-=6*Number(mise); gains+=6*Number(mise); console.log("trois égaux"); } else if(nb[1]==nb[2]||nb[2]==nb[3]||nb[3]==nb[1]){ argent+=3*Number(mise); bank-=3*Number(mise); gains+=3*Number(mise); console.log("deux égaux"); } else{ console.log("aucun égaux"); } affiche(); } function affiche(){ console.log('Vous avez gagné %d jetons', gains); console.log('\nIl vous reste %d jetons, et il reste %d jetons dans le bac de la machine.\n', argent, bank); gains=0; } const items = [ "1", "2", "3", "4", "5", "6", "7", "8", "9", ]; const doors = document.querySelectorAll(".door"); document.querySelector("#spinner").addEventListener("click", spin); //document.querySelector("#reseter").addEventListener("click", init); async function spin() { init(false, 1, 2); if(argent>0){ for (const door of doors) { const boxes = door.querySelector(".boxes"); const duration = parseInt(boxes.style.transitionDuration); boxes.style.transform = "translateY(0)"; await new Promise((resolve) => setTimeout(resolve, duration * 100)); } } } function init(firstInit, groups, duration) { for (const door of doors) { const boxes = door.querySelector(".boxes"); const boxesClone = boxes.cloneNode(false); const pool = ["?"]; if (!firstInit) { const arr = []; for (let n = 0; n < (groups > 0 ? groups : 1); n++) { arr.push(...items); } pool.push(...shuffle(arr)); boxesClone.addEventListener( "transitionend", function () { this.querySelectorAll(".box").forEach((box, index) => { box.style.filter = "blur(0)"; if (index > 0) this.removeChild(box); }); }, ); } for (let i = pool.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) { const box = document.createElement("div"); box.classList.add("box"); box.style.height = door.clientHeight + "px"; box.textContent = pool[i]; boxesClone.appendChild(box); } boxesClone.style.transitionDuration = `${duration > 0 ? duration : 1}s`; boxesClone.style.transform = `translateY(-${door.clientHeight * (pool.length - 1)}px)`; door.replaceChild(boxesClone, boxes); nombres.push(pool[9]); } console.log(nombres); saisie() nombres = []; document.getElementById("bank_val").innerHTML=bank; document.getElementById("argent_val").innerHTML=argent; } function shuffle([...arr]) { let m = arr.length; while (m) { const i = Math.floor(Math.random() * m--); [arr[m], arr[i]] = [arr[i], arr[m]]; } return arr; }