Le meilleur casino du web
You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

96 lines
2.3 KiB

2 years ago
const items = [
//document.querySelector(".info").textContent = items.join(" ");
const doors = document.querySelectorAll(".door");
document.querySelector("#spinner").addEventListener("click", spin);
document.querySelector("#reseter").addEventListener("click", init);
async function spin() {
init(false, 1, 2);
for (const door of doors) {
const boxes = door.querySelector(".boxes");
const duration = parseInt(boxes.style.transitionDuration);
boxes.style.transform = "translateY(0)";
await new Promise((resolve) => setTimeout(resolve, duration * 100));
function init(firstInit, groups, duration) {
for (const door of doors) {
//if (firstInit) {
//console.log("dans le focntion")
//door.dataset.spinned = "0";
//} else if (door.dataset.spinned === "1") {
const boxes = door.querySelector(".boxes");
const boxesClone = boxes.cloneNode(false);
const pool = ["❓"];
if (!firstInit) {
const arr = [];
for (let n = 0; n < (groups > 0 ? groups : 1); n++) {
//function () {
//door.dataset.spinned = "1";
//this.querySelectorAll(".box").forEach((box) => {
//box.style.filter = "blur(1px)";
//{ once: true }
function () {
this.querySelectorAll(".box").forEach((box, index) => {
box.style.filter = "blur(0)";
if (index > 0) this.removeChild(box);
//{ once: true }
for (let i = pool.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
const box = document.createElement("div");
//box.style.width = door.clientWidth + "px";
box.style.height = door.clientHeight + "px";
box.textContent = pool[i];
boxesClone.style.transitionDuration = `${duration > 0 ? duration : 1}s`;
boxesClone.style.transform = `translateY(-${door.clientHeight * (pool.length - 1)}px)`;
door.replaceChild(boxesClone, boxes);
// console.log(door);
function shuffle([...arr]) {
let m = arr.length;
while (m) {
const i = Math.floor(Math.random() * m--);
[arr[m], arr[i]] = [arr[i], arr[m]];
return arr;