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from random import*
class Personnage:
def __init__(self, nom, cat):
self.nom = nom = cat
self.pdv = 100
self.exp = 1
self.coef = 0
self.inventaire = []
if == "Géant":
self.inventaire = ["3 Rochers géants", "Grosse potion"]
self.coefAtk = 6
self.coefDef = 10
elif == "Fée":
self.inventaire = ["Arc féerique", "Potion"]
self.coefAtk = 9
self.coefDef = 7
elif == "Démon":
self.inventaire = ["épée malveillante", "Potion"]
self.coefAtk = 8
self.coefDef = 8
elif == "Déesee":
self.inventaire = ["Bâton miraculeux", "Potion"]
self.coefAtk = 7
self.coefDef = 9
def jet_attaque(self):
atkPoints = randint(1, 20)
return atkPoints + self.exp*self.coefAtk
def jet_defense(self):
defPoints = randint(1, 20)
return defPoints + self.exp*self.coefDef
def change_pdv(self, nb_pdv):
self.pdv = self.pdv + nb_pdv
PersoTEST = Personnage("Moi", "Fée")