You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

668 lines
22 KiB

# coding=utf-8
# pynput
# Copyright (C) 2015-2022 Moses Palmér
# This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
# the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by the Free
# Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any
# later version.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
# ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS
# FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Lesser General Public License for more
# details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License
# along with this program. If not, see <>.
The keyboard implementation for *Xorg*.
# pylint: disable=C0111
# The documentation is extracted from the base classes
# pylint: disable=R0903
# We implement stubs
# pylint: disable=W0611
import pynput._util.xorg
except Exception as e:
raise ImportError('failed to acquire X connection: {}'.format(str(e)), e)
# pylint: enable=W0611
import enum
import threading
import Xlib.display
import Xlib.ext
import Xlib.ext.xtest
import Xlib.X
import Xlib.XK
import Xlib.protocol
import Xlib.keysymdef.xkb
from pynput._util import NotifierMixin
from pynput._util.xorg import (
from pynput._util.xorg_keysyms import (
from . import _base
class KeyCode(_base.KeyCode):
# The symbol name for this key
# Be explicit about fields
_symbol = None
def _from_symbol(cls, symbol, **kwargs):
"""Creates a key from a symbol.
:param str symbol: The symbol name.
:return: a key code
# First try simple translation
keysym = Xlib.XK.string_to_keysym(symbol)
if keysym:
return cls.from_vk(keysym, _symbol=symbol, **kwargs)
# If that fails, try checking a module attribute of Xlib.keysymdef.xkb
if not keysym:
# pylint: disable=W0702; we want to ignore errors
symbol = 'XK_' + symbol
return cls.from_vk(
getattr(Xlib.keysymdef.xkb, symbol, 0),
return cls.from_vk(
SYMBOLS.get(symbol, (0,))[0],
# pylint: enable=W0702
def _from_media(cls, name, **kwargs):
"""Creates a media key from a partial name.
:param str name: The name. The actual symbol name will be this string
with ``'XF86_Audio'`` prepended.
:return: a key code
return cls._from_symbol('XF86_Audio' + name, **kwargs)
# pylint: disable=W0212
class Key(enum.Enum):
# Default keys
alt = KeyCode._from_symbol('Alt_L')
alt_l = KeyCode._from_symbol('Alt_L')
alt_r = KeyCode._from_symbol('Alt_R')
alt_gr = KeyCode._from_symbol('Mode_switch')
backspace = KeyCode._from_symbol('BackSpace')
caps_lock = KeyCode._from_symbol('Caps_Lock')
cmd = KeyCode._from_symbol('Super_L')
cmd_l = KeyCode._from_symbol('Super_L')
cmd_r = KeyCode._from_symbol('Super_R')
ctrl = KeyCode._from_symbol('Control_L')
ctrl_l = KeyCode._from_symbol('Control_L')
ctrl_r = KeyCode._from_symbol('Control_R')
delete = KeyCode._from_symbol('Delete')
down = KeyCode._from_symbol('Down')
end = KeyCode._from_symbol('End')
enter = KeyCode._from_symbol('Return')
esc = KeyCode._from_symbol('Escape')
f1 = KeyCode._from_symbol('F1')
f2 = KeyCode._from_symbol('F2')
f3 = KeyCode._from_symbol('F3')
f4 = KeyCode._from_symbol('F4')
f5 = KeyCode._from_symbol('F5')
f6 = KeyCode._from_symbol('F6')
f7 = KeyCode._from_symbol('F7')
f8 = KeyCode._from_symbol('F8')
f9 = KeyCode._from_symbol('F9')
f10 = KeyCode._from_symbol('F10')
f11 = KeyCode._from_symbol('F11')
f12 = KeyCode._from_symbol('F12')
f13 = KeyCode._from_symbol('F13')
f14 = KeyCode._from_symbol('F14')
f15 = KeyCode._from_symbol('F15')
f16 = KeyCode._from_symbol('F16')
f17 = KeyCode._from_symbol('F17')
f18 = KeyCode._from_symbol('F18')
f19 = KeyCode._from_symbol('F19')
f20 = KeyCode._from_symbol('F20')
home = KeyCode._from_symbol('Home')
left = KeyCode._from_symbol('Left')
page_down = KeyCode._from_symbol('Page_Down')
page_up = KeyCode._from_symbol('Page_Up')
right = KeyCode._from_symbol('Right')
shift = KeyCode._from_symbol('Shift_L')
shift_l = KeyCode._from_symbol('Shift_L')
shift_r = KeyCode._from_symbol('Shift_R')
space = KeyCode._from_symbol('space', char=' ')
tab = KeyCode._from_symbol('Tab')
up = KeyCode._from_symbol('Up')
media_play_pause = KeyCode._from_media('Play')
media_volume_mute = KeyCode._from_media('Mute')
media_volume_down = KeyCode._from_media('LowerVolume')
media_volume_up = KeyCode._from_media('RaiseVolume')
media_previous = KeyCode._from_media('Prev')
media_next = KeyCode._from_media('Next')
insert = KeyCode._from_symbol('Insert')
menu = KeyCode._from_symbol('Menu')
num_lock = KeyCode._from_symbol('Num_Lock')
pause = KeyCode._from_symbol('Pause')
print_screen = KeyCode._from_symbol('Print')
scroll_lock = KeyCode._from_symbol('Scroll_Lock')
# pylint: enable=W0212
class Controller(NotifierMixin, _base.Controller):
_KeyCode = KeyCode
_Key = Key
#: The shift mask for :attr:`Key.ctrl`
CTRL_MASK = Xlib.X.ControlMask
#: The shift mask for :attr:`Key.shift`
SHIFT_MASK = Xlib.X.ShiftMask
def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
super(Controller, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs)
self._display = Xlib.display.Display()
self._keyboard_mapping = None
self._borrows = {}
self._borrow_lock = threading.RLock()
# pylint: disable=C0103; this is treated as a class scope constant, but
# we cannot set it in the class scope, as it requires a Display instance
self.ALT_MASK = alt_mask(self._display)
self.ALT_GR_MASK = alt_gr_mask(self._display)
# pylint: enable=C0103
def __del__(self):
if self._display:
def keyboard_mapping(self):
"""A mapping from *keysyms* to *key codes*.
Each value is the tuple ``(key_code, shift_state)``. By sending an
event with the specified *key code* and shift state, the specified
*keysym* will be touched.
if not self._keyboard_mapping:
return self._keyboard_mapping
def _handle(self, key, is_press):
"""Resolves a key identifier and sends a keyboard event.
:param event: The *X* keyboard event.
:param int keysym: The keysym to handle.
event = Xlib.display.event.KeyPress if is_press \
else Xlib.display.event.KeyRelease
keysym = self._keysym(key)
# Make sure to verify that the key was resolved
if keysym is None:
raise self.InvalidKeyException(key)
# If the key has a virtual key code, use that immediately with
# fake_input; fake input,being an X server extension, has access to
# more internal state that we do
if key.vk is not None:
with display_manager(self._display) as dm:
Xlib.X.KeyPress if is_press else Xlib.X.KeyRelease,
# Otherwise use XSendEvent; we need to use this in the general case to
# work around problems with keyboard layouts
keycode, shift_state = self.keyboard_mapping[keysym]
self._send_key(event, keycode, shift_state)
except KeyError:
with self._borrow_lock:
keycode, index, count = self._borrows[keysym]
index_to_shift(self._display, index))
count += 1 if is_press else -1
self._borrows[keysym] = (keycode, index, count)
# Notify any running listeners
self._emit('_on_fake_event', key, is_press)
def _keysym(self, key):
"""Converts a key to a *keysym*.
:param KeyCode key: The key code to convert.
return self._resolve_dead(key) if key.is_dead else None \
or self._resolve_special(key) \
or self._resolve_normal(key) \
or self._resolve_borrowed(key) \
or self._resolve_borrowing(key)
def _send_key(self, event, keycode, shift_state):
"""Sends a single keyboard event.
:param event: The *X* keyboard event.
:param int keycode: The calculated keycode.
:param int shift_state: The shift state. The actual value used is
:attr:`shift_state` or'd with this value.
with display_manager(self._display) as dm, self.modifiers as modifiers:
# Under certain cimcumstances, such as when running under Xephyr,
# the value returned by dm.get_input_focus is an int
window = dm.get_input_focus().focus
send_event = getattr(
lambda event: dm.send_event(window, event))
state=shift_state | self._shift_mask(modifiers),
root_x=0, root_y=0, event_x=0, event_y=0))
def _resolve_dead(self, key):
"""Tries to resolve a dead key.
:param str identifier: The identifier to resolve.
# pylint: disable=W0702; we want to ignore errors
keysym, _ = SYMBOLS[CHARS[key.combining]]
return None
# pylint: enable=W0702
if keysym not in self.keyboard_mapping:
return None
return keysym
def _resolve_special(self, key):
"""Tries to resolve a special key.
A special key has the :attr:`~KeyCode.vk` attribute set.
:param KeyCode key: The key to resolve.
if not key.vk:
return None
return key.vk
def _resolve_normal(self, key):
"""Tries to resolve a normal key.
A normal key exists on the keyboard, and is typed by pressing
and releasing a simple key, possibly in combination with a modifier.
:param KeyCode key: The key to resolve.
keysym = self._key_to_keysym(key)
if keysym is None:
return None
if keysym not in self.keyboard_mapping:
return None
return keysym
def _resolve_borrowed(self, key):
"""Tries to resolve a key by looking up the already borrowed *keysyms*.
A borrowed *keysym* does not exist on the keyboard, but has been
temporarily added to the layout.
:param KeyCode key: The key to resolve.
keysym = self._key_to_keysym(key)
if keysym is None:
return None
with self._borrow_lock:
if keysym not in self._borrows:
return None
return keysym
def _resolve_borrowing(self, key):
"""Tries to resolve a key by modifying the layout temporarily.
A borrowed *keysym* does not exist on the keyboard, but is temporarily
added to the layout.
:param KeyCode key: The key to resolve.
keysym = self._key_to_keysym(key)
if keysym is None:
return None
mapping = self._display.get_keyboard_mapping(8, 255 - 8)
def i2kc(index):
return index + 8
def kc2i(keycode):
return keycode - 8
#: Finds a keycode and index by looking at already used keycodes
def reuse():
for _, (keycode, _, _) in self._borrows.items():
keycodes = mapping[kc2i(keycode)]
# Only the first four items are addressable by X
for index in range(4):
if not keycodes[index]:
return keycode, index
#: Finds a keycode and index by using a new keycode
def borrow():
for i, keycodes in enumerate(mapping):
if not any(keycodes):
return i2kc(i), 0
#: Finds a keycode and index by reusing an old, unused one
def overwrite():
for keysym, (keycode, index, count) in self._borrows.items():
if count < 1:
del self._borrows[keysym]
return keycode, index
#: Registers a keycode for a specific key and modifier state
def register(dm, keycode, index):
i = kc2i(keycode)
# Check for use of empty mapping with a character that has upper
# and lower forms
lower = key.char.lower()
upper = key.char.upper()
if lower != upper and len(lower) == 1 and len(upper) == 1 and all(
m == Xlib.XK.NoSymbol
for m in mapping[i]):
lower = self._key_to_keysym(KeyCode.from_char(lower))
upper = self._key_to_keysym(KeyCode.from_char(upper))
if lower:
mapping[i][0] = lower
self._borrows[lower] = (keycode, 0, 0)
if upper:
mapping[i][1] = upper
self._borrows[upper] = (keycode, 1, 0)
mapping[i][index] = keysym
self._borrows[keysym] = (keycode, index, 0)
dm.change_keyboard_mapping(keycode, mapping[i:i + 1])
with display_manager(self._display) as dm, self._borrow_lock as _:
# First try an already used keycode, then try a new one, and
# fall back on reusing one that is not currently pressed
register(dm, *(
reuse() or
borrow() or
return keysym
except TypeError:
return None
def _key_to_keysym(self, key):
"""Converts a character key code to a *keysym*.
:param KeyCode key: The key code.
:return: a keysym if found
:rtype: int or None
# If the key code already has a VK, simply return it
if key.vk is not None:
return key.vk
# If the character has no associated symbol, we try to map the
# character to a keysym
symbol = CHARS.get(key.char, None)
if symbol is None:
return char_to_keysym(key.char)
# Otherwise we attempt to convert the symbol to a keysym
# pylint: disable=W0702; we want to ignore errors
return symbol_to_keysym(symbol)
return SYMBOLS[symbol][0]
return None
# pylint: enable=W0702
def _shift_mask(self, modifiers):
"""The *X* modifier mask to apply for a set of modifiers.
:param set modifiers: A set of active modifiers for which to get the
shift mask.
return (
| (self.ALT_MASK
if Key.alt in modifiers else 0)
| (self.ALT_GR_MASK
if Key.alt_gr in modifiers else 0)
| (self.CTRL_MASK
if Key.ctrl in modifiers else 0)
| (self.SHIFT_MASK
if Key.shift in modifiers else 0))
def _update_keyboard_mapping(self):
"""Updates the keyboard mapping.
with display_manager(self._display) as dm:
self._keyboard_mapping = keyboard_mapping(dm)
class Listener(ListenerMixin, _base.Listener):
#: A mapping from keysym to special key
key.value.vk: key
for key in Key}
#: A mapping from numeric keypad keys to keys
KEYPAD_KEYS['KP_0']: KeyCode.from_char('0'),
KEYPAD_KEYS['KP_1']: KeyCode.from_char('1'),
KEYPAD_KEYS['KP_2']: KeyCode.from_char('2'),
KEYPAD_KEYS['KP_3']: KeyCode.from_char('3'),
KEYPAD_KEYS['KP_4']: KeyCode.from_char('4'),
KEYPAD_KEYS['KP_5']: KeyCode.from_char('5'),
KEYPAD_KEYS['KP_6']: KeyCode.from_char('6'),
KEYPAD_KEYS['KP_7']: KeyCode.from_char('7'),
KEYPAD_KEYS['KP_8']: KeyCode.from_char('8'),
KEYPAD_KEYS['KP_9']: KeyCode.from_char('9'),
KEYPAD_KEYS['KP_Add']: KeyCode.from_char('+'),
KEYPAD_KEYS['KP_Decimal']: KeyCode.from_char(','),
KEYPAD_KEYS['KP_Delete']: Key.delete,
KEYPAD_KEYS['KP_Divide']: KeyCode.from_char('/'),
KEYPAD_KEYS['KP_Down']: Key.down,
KEYPAD_KEYS['KP_End']: Key.end,
KEYPAD_KEYS['KP_Enter']: Key.enter,
KEYPAD_KEYS['KP_Equal']: KeyCode.from_char('='),
KEYPAD_KEYS['KP_F1']: Key.f1,
KEYPAD_KEYS['KP_F2']: Key.f2,
KEYPAD_KEYS['KP_F3']: Key.f3,
KEYPAD_KEYS['KP_F4']: Key.f4,
KEYPAD_KEYS['KP_Home']: Key.home,
KEYPAD_KEYS['KP_Insert']: Key.insert,
KEYPAD_KEYS['KP_Left']: Key.left,
KEYPAD_KEYS['KP_Multiply']: KeyCode.from_char('*'),
KEYPAD_KEYS['KP_Page_Down']: Key.page_down,
KEYPAD_KEYS['KP_Page_Up']: Key.page_up,
KEYPAD_KEYS['KP_Right']: Key.right,
KEYPAD_KEYS['KP_Subtract']: KeyCode.from_char('-'),
KEYPAD_KEYS['KP_Up']: Key.up}
def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
super(Listener, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs)
self._keyboard_mapping = None
def _run(self):
with self._receive():
super(Listener, self)._run()
def _initialize(self, display):
# Get the keyboard mapping to be able to translate events details to
# key codes
min_keycode =
keycode_count = - min_keycode + 1
self._keyboard_mapping = display.get_keyboard_mapping(
min_keycode, keycode_count)
def _handle(self, display, event):
# Convert the event to a KeyCode; this may fail, and in that case we
# pass None
key = self._event_to_key(display, event)
except IndexError:
key = None
if event.type == Xlib.X.KeyPress:
elif event.type == Xlib.X.KeyRelease:
def _suppress_start(self, display):
self._event_mask, Xlib.X.GrabModeAsync, Xlib.X.GrabModeAsync,
def _suppress_stop(self, display):
def _on_fake_event(self, key, is_press):
"""The handler for fake press events sent by the controllers.
:param KeyCode key: The key pressed.
:param bool is_press: Whether this is a press event.
(self.on_press if is_press else self.on_release)(
self._SPECIAL_KEYS.get(key.vk, key))
def _keycode_to_keysym(self, display, keycode, index):
"""Converts a keycode and shift state index to a keysym.
This method uses a simplified version of the *X* convention to locate
the correct keysym in the display table: since this method is only used
to locate special keys, alphanumeric keys are not treated specially.
:param display: The current *X* display.
:param keycode: The keycode.
:param index: The shift state index.
:return: a keysym
keysym = display.keycode_to_keysym(keycode, index)
if keysym:
return keysym
elif index & 0x2:
return self._keycode_to_keysym(display, keycode, index & ~0x2)
elif index & 0x1:
return self._keycode_to_keysym(display, keycode, index & ~0x1)
return 0
def _event_to_key(self, display, event):
"""Converts an *X* event to a :class:`KeyCode`.
:param display: The current *X* display.
:param event: The event to convert.
:return: a :class:`pynput.keyboard.KeyCode`
:raises IndexError: if the key code is invalid
keycode = event.detail
index = shift_to_index(display, event.state)
# First try special keys...
keysym = self._keycode_to_keysym(display, keycode, index)
if keysym in self._SPECIAL_KEYS:
return self._SPECIAL_KEYS[keysym]
elif keysym in self._KEYPAD_KEYS:
# We must recalculate the index if numlock is active; index 1 is the
# one to use
return self._KEYPAD_KEYS[
bool(event.state & numlock_mask(display)))]
except KeyError:
# Since we recalculated the key, this may happen
# ...then try characters...
name = KEYSYMS.get(keysym, None)
if name is not None and name in SYMBOLS:
char = SYMBOLS[name][1].upper() if index & 1 else SYMBOLS[name][1]
if char in DEAD_KEYS:
return KeyCode.from_dead(DEAD_KEYS[char], vk=keysym)
return KeyCode.from_char(char, vk=keysym)
# ...and fall back on a virtual key code
return KeyCode.from_vk(keysym)