# coding=utf-8 # pynput # Copyright (C) 2015-2022 Moses Palmér # # This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under # the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by the Free # Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any # later version. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT # ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS # FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Lesser General Public License for more # details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License # along with this program. If not, see . """ General utility functions and classes. """ # pylint: disable=R0903 # We implement minimal mixins # pylint: disable=W0212 # We implement an internal API import contextlib import functools import importlib import os import sys import threading import time import six from six.moves import queue #: Possible resolutions for import related errors. RESOLUTIONS = { 'darwin': 'Please make sure that you have Python bindings for the ' 'system frameworks installed', 'uinput': 'Please make sure that you are running as root, and that ' 'the utility dumpkeys is installed', 'xorg': 'Please make sure that you have an X server running, and that ' 'the DISPLAY environment variable is set correctly'} def backend(package): """Returns the backend module for a package. :param str package: The package for which to load a backend. """ backend_name = os.environ.get( 'PYNPUT_BACKEND_{}'.format(package.rsplit('.')[-1].upper()), os.environ.get('PYNPUT_BACKEND', None)) if backend_name: modules = [backend_name] elif sys.platform == 'darwin': modules = ['darwin'] elif sys.platform == 'win32': modules = ['win32'] else: modules = ['xorg'] errors = [] resolutions = [] for module in modules: try: return importlib.import_module('._' + module, package) except ImportError as e: errors.append(e) if module in RESOLUTIONS: resolutions.append(RESOLUTIONS[module]) raise ImportError('this platform is not supported: {}'.format( '; '.join(str(e) for e in errors)) + ('\n\n' 'Try one of the following resolutions:\n\n' + '\n\n'.join( ' * {}'.format(s) for s in resolutions)) if resolutions else '') def prefix(base, cls): """Calculates the prefix to use for platform specific options for a specific class. The prefix if the name of the module containing the class that is an immediate subclass of ``base`` among the super classes of ``cls``. """ for super_cls in filter( lambda cls: issubclass(cls, base), cls.__mro__[1:]): if super_cls is base: return cls.__module__.rsplit('.', 1)[-1][1:] + '_' else: result = prefix(base, super_cls) if result is not None: return result class AbstractListener(threading.Thread): """A class implementing the basic behaviour for event listeners. Instances of this class can be used as context managers. This is equivalent to the following code:: listener.start() listener.wait() try: with_statements() finally: listener.stop() Actual implementations of this class must set the attribute ``_log``, which must be an instance of :class:`logging.Logger`. :param bool suppress: Whether to suppress events. Setting this to ``True`` will prevent the input events from being passed to the rest of the system. :param kwargs: A mapping from callback attribute to callback handler. All handlers will be wrapped in a function reading the return value of the callback, and if it ``is False``, raising :class:`StopException`. Any callback that is falsy will be ignored. """ class StopException(Exception): """If an event listener callback raises this exception, the current listener is stopped. """ pass #: Exceptions that are handled outside of the emitter and should thus not #: be passed through the queue _HANDLED_EXCEPTIONS = tuple() def __init__(self, suppress=False, **kwargs): super(AbstractListener, self).__init__() def wrapper(f): def inner(*args): if f(*args) is False: raise self.StopException() return inner self._suppress = suppress self._running = False self._thread = threading.current_thread() self._condition = threading.Condition() self._ready = False # Allow multiple calls to stop self._queue = queue.Queue(10) self.daemon = True for name, callback in kwargs.items(): setattr(self, name, wrapper(callback or (lambda *a: None))) @property def suppress(self): """Whether to suppress events. """ return self._suppress @property def running(self): """Whether the listener is currently running. """ return self._running def stop(self): """Stops listening for events. When this method returns, no more events will be delivered. Once this method has been called, the listener instance cannot be used any more, since a listener is a :class:`threading.Thread`, and once stopped it cannot be restarted. To resume listening for event, a new listener must be created. """ if self._running: self._running = False self._queue.put(None) self._stop_platform() def __enter__(self): self.start() self.wait() return self def __exit__(self, exc_type, value, traceback): self.stop() def wait(self): """Waits for this listener to become ready. """ self._condition.acquire() while not self._ready: self._condition.wait() self._condition.release() def run(self): """The thread runner method. """ self._running = True self._thread = threading.current_thread() self._run() # Make sure that the queue contains something self._queue.put(None) @classmethod def _emitter(cls, f): """A decorator to mark a method as the one emitting the callbacks. This decorator will wrap the method and catch exception. If a :class:`StopException` is caught, the listener will be stopped gracefully. If any other exception is caught, it will be propagated to the thread calling :meth:`join` and reraised there. """ @functools.wraps(f) def inner(self, *args, **kwargs): # pylint: disable=W0702; we want to catch all exception try: return f(self, *args, **kwargs) except Exception as e: if not isinstance(e, self._HANDLED_EXCEPTIONS): if not isinstance(e, AbstractListener.StopException): self._log.exception( 'Unhandled exception in listener callback') self._queue.put( None if isinstance(e, cls.StopException) else sys.exc_info()) self.stop() raise # pylint: enable=W0702 return inner def _mark_ready(self): """Marks this listener as ready to receive events. This method must be called from :meth:`_run`. :meth:`wait` will block until this method is called. """ self._condition.acquire() self._ready = True self._condition.notify() self._condition.release() def _run(self): """The implementation of the :meth:`run` method. This is a platform dependent implementation. """ raise NotImplementedError() def _stop_platform(self): """The implementation of the :meth:`stop` method. This is a platform dependent implementation. """ raise NotImplementedError() def join(self, timeout=None, *args): start = time.time() super(AbstractListener, self).join(timeout, *args) timeout = max(0.0, timeout - (time.time() - start)) \ if timeout is not None \ else None # Reraise any exceptions; make sure not to block if a timeout was # provided try: exc_type, exc_value, exc_traceback = self._queue.get( timeout=timeout) six.reraise(exc_type, exc_value, exc_traceback) except queue.Empty: pass except TypeError: return class Events(object): """A base class to enable iterating over events. """ #: The listener class providing events. _Listener = None class Event(object): def __str__(self): return '{}({})'.format( self.__class__.__name__, ', '.join( '{}={}'.format(k, v) for (k, v) in vars(self).items())) def __eq__(self, other): return self.__class__ == other.__class__ \ and dir(self) == dir(other) \ and all( getattr(self, k) == getattr(other, k) for k in dir(self)) def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): super(Events, self).__init__() self._event_queue = queue.Queue() self._sentinel = object() self._listener = self._Listener(*args, **{ key: self._event_mapper(value) for (key, value) in kwargs.items()}) self.start = self._listener.start def __enter__(self): self._listener.__enter__() return self def __exit__(self, *args): self._listener.__exit__(*args) # Drain the queue to ensure that the put does not block while True: try: self._event_queue.get_nowait() except queue.Empty: break self._event_queue.put(self._sentinel) def __iter__(self): return self def __next__(self): event = self.get() if event is not None: return event else: raise StopIteration() def get(self, timeout=None): """Attempts to read the next event. :param int timeout: An optional timeout. If this is not provided, this method may block infinitely. :return: the next event, or ``None`` if the source has been stopped or no events were received """ try: event = self._event_queue.get(timeout=timeout) return event if event is not self._sentinel else None except queue.Empty: return None def _event_mapper(self, event): """Generates an event callback to transforms the callback arguments to an event and then publishes it. :param callback event: A function generating an event object. :return: a callback """ @functools.wraps(event) def inner(*args): try: self._event_queue.put(event(*args), block=False) except queue.Full: pass return inner class NotifierMixin(object): """A mixin for notifiers of fake events. This mixin can be used for controllers on platforms where sending fake events does not cause a listener to receive a notification. """ def _emit(self, action, *args): """Sends a notification to all registered listeners. This method will ensure that listeners that raise :class:`StopException` are stopped. :param str action: The name of the notification. :param args: The arguments to pass. """ stopped = [] for listener in self._listeners(): try: getattr(listener, action)(*args) except listener.StopException: stopped.append(listener) for listener in stopped: listener.stop() @classmethod def _receiver(cls, listener_class): """A decorator to make a class able to receive fake events from a controller. This decorator will add the method ``_receive`` to the decorated class. This method is a context manager which ensures that all calls to :meth:`_emit` will invoke the named method in the listener instance while the block is active. """ @contextlib.contextmanager def receive(self): """Executes a code block with this listener instance registered as a receiver of fake input events. """ self._controller_class._add_listener(self) try: yield finally: self._controller_class._remove_listener(self) listener_class._receive = receive listener_class._controller_class = cls # Make sure this class has the necessary attributes if not hasattr(cls, '_listener_cache'): cls._listener_cache = set() cls._listener_lock = threading.Lock() return listener_class @classmethod def _listeners(cls): """Iterates over the set of running listeners. This method will quit without acquiring the lock if the set is empty, so there is potential for race conditions. This is an optimisation, since :class:`Controller` will need to call this method for every control event. """ if not cls._listener_cache: return with cls._listener_lock: for listener in cls._listener_cache: yield listener @classmethod def _add_listener(cls, listener): """Adds a listener to the set of running listeners. :param listener: The listener for fake events. """ with cls._listener_lock: cls._listener_cache.add(listener) @classmethod def _remove_listener(cls, listener): """Removes this listener from the set of running listeners. :param listener: The listener for fake events. """ with cls._listener_lock: cls._listener_cache.remove(listener)